you cannot raise your children different, you cannot watch different shows, you cannot be YOURSELF without being attack and jumped all over for doing so.
It is now a site for women who have no lives and only crave the drama and plain evilness that comes from all the negative attention they are giving and getting.
Things about people needing advice or a death of a loved one or things that are happy and positive and nice are ignored and only the posts about the lady next door who yells a lot, or the dick head at the store who used food stamps while he looked at his blackberry, and gossip posts get the attention.
And god forbid you have any other view than what the majority of the women on there think you should have.
The creators and moderators are doing nothing to remedy it and I see nothing be negativity bring the website crashing and burning.
]]>If the women there think there’s no men because of the website title, then they are very naive. Text on a screen is not a physical barrier. And just because some has a set of boobs doesn’t make them trustworthy to tell personal info to. Women can be “evil”, as well. And we’re all strangers there.
I say work with the dads, not against them, since there’s nothing stopping them from joining anyway and they aren’t given any choice but to either share with a spouse or hide behind a screenname and while using the site any way. If you work with them then they can at least be open about themselves.
Its easy to talk normally on there and use the right pronouns when referring to himself or his spouse. Using DH (Dear Hubby) is how you refer to your spouse and is accepted, cuz no one’s going to say “my wife” without getting someone reporting them to Cafemom. It may be a minority on there, but I’m sure there’s some good dads using the site in cognito and not hurting a dang thing.
Its really dumb.