Getting Ready For Christmas

Tonight we decorated the Christmas tree. You might picture a warm family setting, fire crackling, festive music, laughter, and everyone loving and helping each other. That would be an episode of Happy Days.

Despite the pictures you see here, what happens when we put ornaments on the tree is quite different. Imagine four sharks at feeding time, wearing matching pajamas, each trying to push their way in front of the others. Except these sharks cry when they don’t get their way.

But the end result, a decorated tree and a glass of wine for SuburbanDaddy, always turns out well. Plus we have these seemingly calm memories captured on film to remember.






2 thoughts on “Getting Ready For Christmas”

  1. Bellissimo post Paolo.Personalmente mi preoccupa molto la crescente diffidenza verso la scienza e verso il metodo scientifico.Eppure grazie alla scienza viviamo in un mondo dove sono possibili cose che solo ventanni fa sarebbero state considerate stregoneria o fantascienza.Ed invece c’è un, per me inspiegabile, ritorno verso il misticismo (vedi “Porta a Porta” dedicato ai miracoli di Padre Pio).Mha…

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