Thing 3 played his final soccer game of the season. It was his first time playing an organized sport, and I think it was good for him to experience. He went from moments of sheer fun to grabbing the soccer ball and running off the field because he didn’t want anyone else to kick it but him.
Here he is with the end of year medal, which he decided he didn’t want to wear. Until 10 minutes later when he did.
Another year, another Halloween. This was the first year we all went trick or treating together, at least for a little bit. Usually, SuburbanDaddy stays home with a baby and hands out candy.
We started early, before it was even close to dark, because there is just too much excitement to keep everyone inside. After a short time, Thing 4 returned to the house with SuburbanMommy to give out candy and I took the boys around the neighborhood. Here are some videos of the before, and a very tired Thing 3 after. My favorite part is the skipping Superman. We talked about the rules beforehand, and how we walk between houses, not run. Apparently, skipping doesn’t count as running.
What does SuburbanDaddy have in common with Ben Affleck, Rob Lowe, Heidi Klum, and Al Gore? Besides each of us being part of the beautiful people club – well, maybe not Al Gore – we are all?Huffington Post bloggers.
After 8 years of conditioning I am a very light sleeper. I am regularly awakened by crying, coughing, and middle of the night bathroom trips (not mine, the Things). Often I have a hard time getting back asleep.
Last night, I woke up to strange sounds. At first, I thought it was Thing 4 crying because she has been sick this week and waking up a lot during the night. I finally realized it was muffled voices and saw the lights were on downstairs. It was 3:15 am.
I went downstairs and found Thing 2 on the couch, all the lights on, and the TV was playing. All of this actually isn’t that surprising for Thing 2. He said the crickets woke him up. But what was unusual about it was what he was watching. The replay of Jay Leno and the Tonight Show. He is six years old.
Fall just may be the best season. There is so much to do on the weekends, especially when the weather is nice, and we take advantage.
Last weekend was apple picking with SuburbanAunt and SuburbanUncle and the SuburbanCousins. We only ended up taking home 10 apples that met our strict standards, but Thing 3 enjoyed the testing process.
This weekend Thing 3 played his third soccer game. And when I say played, I actually mean played this time. In the video, Thing 3 is the one wearing gray shorts and intentionally kicking the ball out of bounds. Why would he do that? Who knows.
Next was a small carnival that was in town. All three boys loved the bungee trampoline. I was actually surprised they all tried it. Thing 2 summed up the experience best with this short video.
On Sunday, we made our annual trip to Pumpkinville. Hay slides, tractor rides, moon bounces, a hay maze, pumpkin painting, petting zoo, and more.
Thing 3 chased a chicken. Poor chicken.
Thing 1 and Thing 2 climbed to the top of a hay pile.
And then they entered Fort Pumpkin.
Thing 4 is still too little for climbing with her brothers, but she loves the ring-tailed lemurs.
I got a new iPhone 4S today. One of the new features is Siri, a voice activated assistant that answers your questions. Questions like “will it rain tomorrow” and “what movies are playing tonight.”
Naturally, as soon as they saw it, The Things wanted to ask Siri questions. When it was Thing 3’s turn, this is what he wanted to know.
Thing 3: How tall is a cracker?
Siri had trouble with that one. I can’t blame her. I struggle with his questions myself. Next question.
Today as Thing 1 was leaving for the bus stop, he handed me a paper I had to sign. Mornings are a bit chaotic, trying to get Thing 1 and Thing 2 out the door for the school bus at 7:25am, while also getting the younger Things dressed and fed.
One scenario is that he remembered just as he was walking out the door. It was the first day back after a long weekend, so it’s plausible that he forgot until this very last minute.
Or, another scenario that is just dawning on me as a likely one, is that he purposefully waited until the last moment so that, in the confusion, I would not read it and just sign it. ?If that was the plan, it worked. ?I assumed it was another reading log. ?We sign it to verify that he did his reading assignment.
As it turns out, the paper was to inform us that Thing 1 got in trouble at lunch on Friday. ?He was being loud and disruptive along with a bunch of other kids.
Lesson learned. ?When your kid hands you a paper and says “sign it”, make sure you read if first.
Here’s a picture of Thing 1 from this weekend. ?Don’t let the cuteness fool you. ?While he was picking apples and cheering for the Jets, he was also plotting a “sign and dash” that worked perfectly on me.