Keeping Busy

It’s been a busy few months. Nothing new there I guess. But I’ve been a little lax in posting. Here are some pictures of what we’ve been up to recently.

We are remodeling the basement. The main purpose is to make a new bedroom for Thing 1, so he doesn’t have to share a room with his brother anymore, which will give us him some peace and quiet. It also means we are without our basement right now and all the toys are in the living room.

Halloween came and went. It’s always a lot of work fun for me. This year, we had 3 power rangers and a princess.


I even had a costume of my own this year.

Thing 1 and a friend enjoyed their 3rd grade musical performance.


We all celebrated Suburban Cousin’s Bar Mitzvah. Thing 2 celebrated more than most as you can see here.


And we spent more time with the Suburban Cousins.



How We Endured The Perfect Storm

This week we experienced a mega storm. Hurricane Sandy combined with a winter storm to form the perfect storm.


Fortunately we did not get a direct hit. Just a lot of rain and wind. By far the worst part (for me) was that school and daycare was closed for 2 days.

Making matters worse, our basement remodeling started this week, meaning we could not go in the basement. Did I mention we were all stuck at home for days?

I realize there are bigger families than ours, living in much smaller spaces. But when you are used to much more space, and lose the ability to separate kids on different floors, and have no noise barrier between you and them, for long periods of time, it sucks.

We watched movies. We carved pumpkins. We read books. It may sound like sweet family fun. It wasn’t really like that. There was bickering, fighting, a lot of screaming, and quite a few “I’m boreds”. The house looks like the hurricane was on the inside. As a result, there were also quite a few glasses of wine.

My Kids Make Me Look Bad

People view kids as a reflection of their parents. And those people are judging us by the behaviors of our kids. Even if it isn’t our fault.

Today I picked up Thing 3 from kindergarten. As usual, he was deeply involved in an activity and not ready to leave. I told him to finish up his game and we’re leaving in 2 minutes.

Thing 3: “Daddy, you are annoying me. You’re giving me a headache.”

He said this in front of teachers and other parents. They all smiled uncomfortably. Of course, they were all thinking he was repeating what he hears us say to him.

I can assure you I’ve never said anything like that.

Sure, I may have thought it.

It very well may have been true on many occasions.

But I’ve never said it. And now his teachers and other parents think I did. This is why I get nervous whenever Thing 3 opens his mouth.