Enter The Dragon

Some time ago I wrote about Thing 2’s toddler comfort objects. At that time, it was all about Mustache Guy. Now, we have entered into the dragon phase.

After completing his first potty chart, Thing 2 picked out the big dragon. Last weekend, after his first successful poop in the potty (a big deal in our house!), he picked out the two headed dragon with fire coming out of one head.


He likes to go up to people, stick the dragon in their face, and say “Look at my dragon. Roooaaar!”. Every 10 minutes, it’s like he just got it for the first time. “Look at my dragon”.

So, naturally, the new dragon (with the fire) accompanied Thing 2 to preschool Monday morning. He started showing it to all his teachers and friends. Then we had a little problem.

SuburbanMommy dropped Thing 2 off in his classroom, dragon in hand. Then she took the other two to their rooms before checking back in on Thing 2. When she returned, she found Thing 2 in the corner with dragon, tears streaming down his face, but not crying.

The teacher explained that one of the girls in the class was a little frightened by the new dragon. Especially when Thing 2 did his ROOAAR! in her face. She started crying. And she actually peed in her pants.

When SuburbanMommy saw Thing 2 in the corner she thought he was getting a time out, and that was why he was crying silently. But the teacher explained that he was spending a last minute with his dragon before he had to put him away for the day. He was saying an emotional goodbye to dragon.


Something Only A Parent Could Love

SuburbanMommy noted the other day that I don’t write about Thing 3. Well, a 10 month old doesn’t provide a lot of material. Certainly not compared to Thing 1 and Thing 2, with their potty training and assorted adventures.

But, Thing 3 has made a lot of progress in the last few weeks. He’s mastered crawling and is starting to pull himself up. He still falls down a lot (see 1:30 into the video), which can be quite amusing. And he slobbers like a bulldog.

I don’t remember this much drool with the first two. Thing 3 has been teething for eight months. Constant slobber, drool, and putting everything in his mouth. And I mean everything. Mulch, shoes, shoe laces, fingers, keys. Basically whatever he can get his hands on goes in his mouth. We’re talking about a baby, not a bulldog.

Big Shocking Breaking News

Just in case you are new here, I have three boys. Thing 1 is 4 years old. Thing 2 is 2 years old. And Thing 3 is 10 months.

My hands are full. If I had more hands, they would be full, too.

So, if you are a little shocked by what you are about to see, just put yourself in my shoes. This is Thing 3, wearing a special shirt which has been handed down from his big brothers!




Sorry, I couldn’t resist :-)

7 Month Old Baby Drinks Beer

First, let me state for the record, that it is Suburban Mommy’s hand you see holding the bottle. I would never let a baby drink beer. I was, however, the one holding the camera. Does that make me an accomplice?

It started when Thing 3 put his fingers in the bottle, then put his fingers in his mouth. Note the look of wonderment, surprise, and joy, as if to say This is way different from my usual bottle.


From there, he decided he wanted the whole bottle, so he could get a real taste.

Finally, here’s the look after getting a taste. Judging from the strong grip he kept on the bottle, he liked it. And after a few more of these, he took an unbelievable nap!


Toddler Comfort Objects

A comfort object can be an important part of a toddler’s emotional development. It can also be quite amusing, depending on the object.

We never experienced comfort objects with Thing 1. He isn’t really the sensitive, emotional type. We’re lucky when we get a goodnight hug from him. Thing 2 is the opposite. He’ll randomly walk up to someone, anyone, and give them a hug. He also has quite a stable of comfort objects.

Since he was a year old, he has slept with a “night-night”. What is a night-night? It is one of daddy’s T-shirts. He uses one or two as a pillow, and another as a blanket. And, since his nose is always running, by the morning the night-night is covered in snot and needs to be washed. So, as a result, I never have a clean T-shirt to wear.

Right now, another of his favorite comfort objects is this two and a half inch character that came as the driver in a toy dump truck. What you and I would call junk, Thing 2 affectionately calls Mustache Guy. When I pick him up at preschool, the first question he asks is “Where is mustache guy?” Lord help me if I don’t know.

mustacheguy.jpg Mustache Guy

Also very popular right now are baseball hats. He wears one pretty much all the time. Even while sleeping. Like I said, comfort objects can be amusing. As long as you don’t lose them.

What comfort objects does your toddler have?

Toddler Body Builder

This never gets old in our family. A natural performer, Thing 2 loves to show off his muscles. He’ll do a few poses, then realize everyone is looking at him (and laughing), and then he gets embarrassed and slumps his shoulders. It’s very funny. And I can assure you that, unlike major league baseball, this todder is not using steroids.