Funniest Moments

I’ve heard that kids laugh hundreds of times each day, compared to adults who only laugh 20 times on average per day. I’m not surprised. Kids will find humor in the strangest places.

And they remember funny stuff like it happened yesterday. Thing 1 and Thing 2 have a funny moment “hall of fame” of sorts. Incidents that happened, which they may or may not have found funny at the time, but have since taken on a much bigger laugh as they recall them over and over and over.

One of the them will say, Remember when such and such happened? And they’ll break out in laughter and relive the moment, often talking in code words which only they understand.

With that, here are the top moments in the Thing 1 and Thing 2’s Funny Moments Hall of Fame.

Daddy got in the back seat of the car. Happened at least 3 years ago. We were walking to the car when a huge downpour started, so I jumped into the back seat with them to get out of the rain. That was before the minivan so I guess it was funny to see me climb to the front seat of my Civic.

Daddy dropped the egg. I was cooking breakfast and placed an egg on the counter. It rolled off when I wasn’t looking and splattered on the ground. Thing 2 found it hysterical at the time, and loves to relive the event.

Note the theme of the first two: laughing at Daddy. Apparently I am a source of amusement at my expense.

Boppy. A babysitter brought her brother one time, probably 3 years ago, and I think his name was Bobby. They called him Boppy. I guess you had to be there. All it takes now is saying “Remember Boppy?” and they will be on the floor laughing.

Sit on me. This one is just for Thing 2. He likes me to sit on top of him to see if he can escape. It never fails to crack him up. He can be mad as hell, in the middle of a tantrum, and if I sit on him he will cheer up. At first, he’ll try to stay mad and tell me to get off. Then, when I try to walk away, he’ll ask me to sit on him. Other times, he’ll walk up randomly and tell me to sit on him.

Daddy forgets. I forget to bring things to school, forget to take food out of the oven, forget names. When it happens, which is often, laughter ensues.

Prepare to be amazed! A quote from the movie Meet the Robinsons. After every bath, before getting dressed, he throws the towel off his shoulders, arms out, buck naked, and exclaims Prepare to be amazed! like the Bowler Hat Guy did in the movie. Here’s the soundbite from the movie. Blank It won’t be very funny, but I’ll try to get some video of him doing it after his next bath and you’ll see for yourself.

Comfort Object of the Month

Comfort objects are a curious stage. For a while it was a monkey stuffed animal, then a duck. I can understand being attached to those nice cuddly objects.

The last few weeks Thing 3 has become attached to a flashlight. He carries it around the house, takes it to school, keeps it with him when he eats, and takes it to bed.

Yes, the batteries will run out soon. Yes, this will cause Thing 3 to have a tantrum. No, I’m not going to keep putting in new batteries if he leaves it turned on 24/7.

Living Dangerously

For the most part, having kids makes you act more responsibly. My driving habits certainly improved when I began driving with “precious cargo” as my Mom referred to the kids in the back seat. I suppose I used to weave through traffic a little more, and drive with a heavier foot.

Another reason for the more careful driving is that driving a minivan, among other things, makes it a little harder to do those things. And I also find that the car, equipped with dual DVD screens, is one of my few opportunities to relax. Maybe not relax since I have to listen to the same shows over and over. But at least I can sit in one place and tune out the noise. So maybe I drive slower because I’m not in any particular rush to get where we’re going.

But, surprisingly, there are some riskier behaviors I have developed because of kids.

As an example, I used to shut the car off when pumping gas. After all, the sign at the gas station says to shut off the engine or a big explosion could occur. Why don’t I do it anymore?

It goes back to the previously mentioned DVD player. When the car is turned off, the player also turns off, and we need to start back at the beginning of the DVD, and wait the 60 seconds to get through all the previews and the FBI warning (why can’t they have special fast play DVD’s for kids movies?). That’s more than enough to set Thing 3 off on a crying fit that will last way more than 60 seconds and possibly set him on a fussy course all day.

So I leave the engine on when I pump gas and breathe a big sigh of relief when it’s over.

I’ve also been known to take my eyes off the road for a second, or two, or ten seconds, to pick up a dropped toy. Or to take away a toy that’s causing a fight. Or to turn around after hearing “Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, Daddy” just to get Thing 2 to stop saying my name like I wrote about last year.

I know there are more of you out there. What risky behaviors do your kids make you do?

Jonas Brothers Live In Person

I had a company picnic this week.? There were the usual kids activities – face painting, balloon animals, ice cream – and the featured attraction was a softball game where the company “all stars” played against a visiting team with “special guests”.? Turns out the guests were the the Jonas Brothers.

It was pretty cool even though I don’t have a clue about the Jonas Brothers, other than I’ve seen them on the Today show and know they are very popular with young girls.? I have three boys.? They care more about important stuff.? Like who gets the bigger balloon sword.? More on that later.

As I was walking out the building to pick up Thing 1 and Thing 2 for the picnic, I saw the entourage of SUV’s that was the Jonas Brothers.? I managed to snap these up close pictures with my iPhone.

Jonas brothers getting out of car
Jonas brothers getting out of car

Jonas Brothers play softball

Back to the balloon swords.? We waited in line, in the hot sun, for 45 minutes because Thing 2 really really wanted a balloon sword.? About 5 minutes later, all 4 swords were popped.? What a great use of time at a company picnic.


Reston Festival

We went to the Reston Festival this weekend. We got there before it opened, which was good for beating the crowds. But many of the rides weren’t ready yet and the Things grew restless.

By far the best ride/game was this giant inflatable slide. Kids had to climb through a series of levels (not easy) and then there was a big slide at the top. We saw lots of kids try but not make it, and they had to do the “climb of shame” while dozens of kids in line watched them.

I’m happy to say both Thing 1 and Thing 2 made it to the top. Thing 1 easily. Thing 2 struggled around level 3, cried a bit, but was motivated by his brother. What a proud moment for SuburbanDaddy.

Cold Feet

I learned a new meaning of the expression “Cold Feet”.? Last night, Thing 2 came into our bedroom around 4:30am.? Unfortunately, this is not all that uncommon.

He often wakes in the middle of the night, wanting a light turned on, or a different blanket, or some toy to sleep with.? He goes back to sleep easily enough.? I, on the other hand, can’t always get back to sleep so quickly.

But I digress.? Last night, when I walked him back to his room, and asked what he wanted, he said “My feet are cold.? I want my slippers”.? He has a pair of Barney slippers which he hasn’t worn and I haven’t seen in months.

Happy Birthday Thing 2

Thing 2 turns four years old tomorrow.? His birthday also happens to be on Fathers Day this year.? We had the party last week, so no real big plans tomorrow.

Except he keeps asking who is coming to his birthday tomorrow.? I’m not sure what he is expecting since we had a full blown dual party last weekend for him and Thing 3 whose birthday was two weeks ago.

Thing 2 seems to have a hard time distinguishing between his birthday party and his actual birthday.? He has been saying all week, since the party, that he is now four years old.? And he gets upset if you try to explain that his actual birthday hasn’t happened yet.

The other concern he keeps talking about is that his younger brother, Thing 3, was very “serious” on his birthday.? He can’t understand why he would cry and not want to eat birthday cupcakes.? We can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings.