Today as Thing 1 was leaving for the bus stop, he handed me a paper I had to sign. Mornings are a bit chaotic, trying to get Thing 1 and Thing 2 out the door for the school bus at 7:25am, while also getting the younger Things dressed and fed.
One scenario is that he remembered just as he was walking out the door. It was the first day back after a long weekend, so it’s plausible that he forgot until this very last minute.
Or, another scenario that is just dawning on me as a likely one, is that he purposefully waited until the last moment so that, in the confusion, I would not read it and just sign it. ?If that was the plan, it worked. ?I assumed it was another reading log. ?We sign it to verify that he did his reading assignment.
As it turns out, the paper was to inform us that Thing 1 got in trouble at lunch on Friday. ?He was being loud and disruptive along with a bunch of other kids.
Lesson learned. ?When your kid hands you a paper and says “sign it”, make sure you read if first.
Here’s a picture of Thing 1 from this weekend. ?Don’t let the cuteness fool you. ?While he was picking apples and cheering for the Jets, he was also plotting a “sign and dash” that worked perfectly on me.