Comments on: How To Win A Test Of Wills With A 4 Year Old stories. tips. ideas. struggles. joys. of being a daddy Sun, 22 Dec 2024 05:37:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Martintab Sun, 06 May 2018 20:50:55 +0000 Hellow my name is Martintab. Wery good art! Thx :)

By: kai Sat, 21 Mar 2015 08:51:42 +0000 This happens atleast twice each day with my 2 yr old. soon as he doesn’t get his way or get attention the moment he wants it he pees or poops. nothing seems to work in stopping it so far. will be trying putting him in nappies next time which he will hate because theyre for babies.

By: Jess Mon, 13 Aug 2012 21:30:20 +0000 I’d like to leave a piece of advice my mom followed with me when I was growing up that has stuck with me while raising my two young daughters. Never punish children with food! Sending a child to bed without dinner, is not the way to handle bad behavior, nor is locking, for all intents and purposes, a child in their room. I find that telling a child to go to their room to calm down and not coming out until they’ve finished their fit, usually works. Once they’re calm- they need a short discussion to explain what has just occurred.

By: Angie Wed, 09 May 2012 01:35:27 +0000 My not quite 4 year old strong willed son decided to pee in the middle of the floor tonight in retaliation to being sent to his room to calm down. He said “mommy I have something to show you” and just went. I thought I was alone in the world and that there must be something terribly wrong with my little boy. So glad to read there are others out there.

By: Beky Sun, 25 Jan 2009 13:20:23 +0000 Dude….You are quite the lifesaver for my husband and I! We were convinced we were alone in the Strong-Willed Boy, Pee-Pee Wars department. Our (almost) 4 year old has taken to waking us from a dead sleep to tell us that his bed is “all wet”. It is such a deliberate act that I was certain it had to just be an issue with our kid. Thanks to your blog, my hubby and I removed the bed with no explanation to the Boy Child! I mad him take all of his bedding to the washer and, by the time he returned from the laundry room, his bed was MIA! Oh….the look on his face was PRICELESS!
Needless to say, 24 hours later, his bed was back, bedding was washed and returned and all was Right With the Toddler World once more!

By: Blog Birthday Wed, 30 Jan 2008 12:07:54 +0000 […] Blogging Is Fun – When I’m in the middle of a daddy episode, at my wits end, tantrums all around me, or in a major battle of wills, I actually start thinking This will make a great blog topic. And it makes the daddy episode easier. Fun even. I find I take pictures with my cell phone to write about it later. Kids out of control in McDonalds playland? Not to worry. Just take a picture (I’ll write about that one soon). […]

By: The Disgusting Part Of Being A Parent Fri, 18 Jan 2008 21:43:44 +0000 […] Thing 1 has struggled with potty training to say the least (see this and this for some history). Recently, we stumbled upon what is possibly the source of his troubles. Who knew a four year old could become constipated? After reading up on the causes and symptoms – low fiber diet, drinks lots of milk, holds in and avoids going to point of accident – it now seems so obvious. How could we have missed it? Terrible parents. […]

By: smw Tue, 09 Oct 2007 19:01:09 +0000 It’s great to know we are not alone! Look on the bright side — maybe your son will use his strong-will to run a successful business one day (and take care of his parents).

By: Megan/ Velveteen Mind Mon, 01 Oct 2007 15:03:24 +0000 Damn, I think this post should have had a question mark at the end of the title because you aren’t helping me here! ;) Rather, you are just spooking me for what I have ahead of me with two little boys.

Good luck to you, guy. The peeing thing is a challenge for sure. Especially when it makes beds disappear.

Stumbled into your post through BlogRush and I’m looking forward to looking around. I see your vacation post title below and I’m there. I just wrote about our first family vacation and my illusions being shattered as to what “vacation” must now mean. Happy to have found you!
