Comments on: Parenting Poll of the Week – Kids Unattended In Cars stories. tips. ideas. struggles. joys. of being a daddy Sun, 22 Dec 2024 05:37:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Momto4kidsny Mon, 21 Apr 2008 13:06:03 +0000 I found your blog via cre8buzz and finding it hard to leave here! So my view on this:
I have never ever left my kids in the car alone not even for a minute. And NO I’m not just saying that. When Sam…who soon will be 3…falls asleep in the car I unbuckle the carseat and bring him in the house still in his car seat. A pain? Yes. But I do it anyways because it’s safer for him to be in the house than left in the car!

By: wheredoustand Wed, 16 Apr 2008 03:51:38 +0000

returning a shopping cart
mailing a letter
filling up the car with gas

there is a difference in leaving a child in a car in hot weather and cold weather, in the parking lot, or at the curb within sight

i recommend that before you start labeling her the “walmart chick” you think about what you do — do you want to be the next media “chick”?

if you have more than one child, it takes longer than 4 minutes to get them loaded/buckled or unloaded/unbuckled if they are in car seats…

By: Jenny Tue, 15 Apr 2008 17:46:12 +0000 Andrea, thanks for the info. You’re right! It’s not worth the risk. I can relate because here in the south during summer my car turns into an oven within minutes. I’d never forgive myself if I left her in the car “for a minute,” got hit by a car in the parking lot, or God knows what, and no one knew to rescue my child from the car! We actually bought one of these to put my paranoid mind at ease and keep our daughter safe:

And momof3… Houses, unlike cars, do not turn into ovens in which children can become trapped and die from the heat. Personally, I feel confident that if Suzi were alone in my house for a few hours she would more than likely live to tell about it. We have babyproofed our butts off! Of course I’d never leave her alone. That would only happen if I passed out or died while watching her.

By: julia Tue, 15 Apr 2008 15:23:15 +0000 This is an important topic…however, the Walmart incident was harsh…the mom parked in the loading zone and stepped out 10 feet from the car to drop the money in the bucket with her older children…a public safety officer/security saw the baby unattended and called police, then blocked the mother from getting to the car and then when the mother got upset, she was booked for obstruction of justice…if you are aware of the situation and have taken every precaution, you should be allowed to handle your children as you see fit. I’ve waited several times for 20+ minutes to get the parking space directly in front of the ATM…my husband was away on travel and I was home with my two children (under 5) and pregnant and needed to get some money…it was safer to park them there and watch them than unbuckle them and haul them through the parking lot…if something had happened to me, they were in a high visibility area, but the windows were cracked open and the sunroof up and I was within 10 feet of the car…that being said, I was gone for less time than it take to go to the bathroom at home and I certainly don’t collect them all to come in and sit down within my sight while I take care of personal business…

By: vicky Tue, 15 Apr 2008 13:57:41 +0000 Just checking in on this subject. Thank you Andrea and Jason for your raised awareness. My two boys have no clue on how to unbuckle their 5 pt. harness…let alone unlock the door because of the child safety locks we have. Now, my oldest is 3 1/2 and he may figure this out one day. I think the stories are a bit extreme with the parents not being responsible overall for anything their children do. However…I will definitely rethink my reasoning on this matter, because if something happened to one of my children and it was avoidable…I’d never forgive myself.

By: momof3 Mon, 14 Apr 2008 19:35:23 +0000 Andrea, ok, um, how does a two-year-old unbuckle their car seat to climb out of a car? and, um, why would you have matches within reach of a baby in a car seat? And, if you are a stay-at-home mom and something happens to you and no one knows your child is alone, until your husband gets home from work, is that illegal? hmmm… let’s have a campaign for no more stay-at-home moms “protect the children, send them to daycare!” unless you have your husband drop them off and he forgets them in the car all day…

By: jason Mon, 14 Apr 2008 16:25:38 +0000 With summer fast approaching I’m so glad you brought up this subject. I answered no to your survey because before we had our son I actually worked on a public awareness campaign regarding this subject. I know way too much about the consequences. Each year, hundreds of children die from being left in cars, both intentionally and unintentionally. Last year more than 200.

It happens a lot out here in the desert southwest. It’s devastating. Prior to recent laws being passed, it was illegal to leave a pet in the car, but not a child. Luckily our lawmakers have acted for the sake of children. is a great resource of information. And if you really want to be freaked out, they keep track of incidents across the country. Reading them will scare you.

By: Andrea Sun, 13 Apr 2008 13:31:39 +0000 Dear Anonymous – I am glad that I “freaked” you out. Nothing is worth the risk of losing your child. If something happened, you would never forgive yourself, and the guilt you would feel for the rest of your life. And for what, the ATM machine.

The Wal Mart chick was teaching her other two children about giving. It was Christmas and she wanted to take their picture putting money into the Salvation Army kettle. Apparently, a shopper in the parking lot saw the baby alone and called the police. I would have done the same thing. Imagine not notifying anyone, then hearing the baby died from hyperthermia. I would “if only” for the rest of my life.

By: Anonymous Sat, 12 Apr 2008 21:54:01 +0000 Andrea just freaked me out for the rest of my life.

NO more leaving my son in the car while using the ATM ever again.

Thank you for posting this.

And that story about the Walmart chick, UMMM….why didn’t the kids stay home with DAD while mom dropped off the coins? or vice versa? You don’t need the entire family to join in on the drop off business. Pull up to the curb and drop your coins to the bell ringers and pull off!

I’m not judging just wondering how the cops got there so fast!

By: Andrea Sat, 12 Apr 2008 00:33:25 +0000 FYI – How about this scenario – Your driving home when you see a neighbor outside mowing the grass. You park your car across the street, leave your 2 yr. old in the car while you cross the street to visit with her. Next thing you know your 2 yr old is out of the car, crossing the street, and is hit by a car and dies. This really happened recently. So many things can happen. There have been cases where kids have lit matches and started fires. Or what about this – something happens to you and no one knows your child is alone in a car in a parking lot somewhere. NEVER LEAVE YOUR CHILD UNATTENDED IN A VEHICLE FOR ANY REASON, NOT EVEN FOR A MINUTE.. Why take the chance? Check out these websites:,,,
