Two year olds can get into a lot of trouble. Thing 3 certainly gets into his share. Breaking, climbing, running off, throwing, hitting, screaming are all part of the daily program. But now I’ve seen how this trouble can cross over into a parent’s work life.
This week Thing 3 found my work Blackberry. Normally, it password locks the screen after a few minutes of inactivity, but he got it too fast. Still, I didn’t think there was too much trouble he could cause.
Somehow, he managed to send three emails. The first was a reply sent to an email from my boss’s boss. Thing 3’s email read “Mfjjkkxkd”.
The next email was sent in reply to the same email from my boss’s boss. Except this time he managed to use Reply All. Luckily, there was only one other recipient. The email was “Dfdidfiufufuiufioid”.
The final email sent by Thing 3 was a reply to a weekly department email, again from my boss’s boss, that goes out to a list of hundreds of people, including all the Senior VP’s in the department. This email read “Eierelririrreee”.
Very fortunate for me, he did not hit Reply All on that one.
What was the boss’ boss’ response? It’s a good thing Thing 3 does not know how to spell!
He should talk email my daughter. The have the same keyboarding habits.
Hopefully no one was too upset! Kids are amazing like that. When my son was only 2 he knew how to slide his finger along the screen to unlock my husband’s iPhone. It’s incredible what they can figure out by pressing a few buttons.
Everyone laughed so no harm done.
I know what you mean. Thing 2 teaches me stuff on my iPhone I isn’t know about. And Thing 1 beats me at Wii games