I’m a daddy, and yes, I live in the suburbs. Northern Virginia to be exact. I have 4 young kids – 3 boys and a baby girl. I thought I would add to the blogosphere with thoughts, experiences, stories, and parenting information from a dad’s point of view. You’ll see pictures and videos of Things 1-4, hear about some of the places we go, the stuff we do, and get a glimpse into the generally crazy, grueling, and yes, fun, life with 4 kids.To contact me send email to daddy_at_suburbandaddy.com, or leave a comment somewhere. I like getting comments and read every single one. You’re invited to become a fan of SuburbanDaddy on Facebook. If you want me to pitch or review your product or website, make me an offer I can’t refuse.
The Cast

Hi there,
Thanks for the link on your blog roll. I also have 2 kids. A 4 and a half yr. old daughter and a 20 month old son. I’m very familiar with the world of stay at home moms. Just this morning I attended a book reading/music class at our local library. There were about 35 mothers and ME.
I’ll be checking out your blog more regularly now. Keep up the good work.
I heard about your blog through Andy, as both new dads, we look forward to learning from those Daddies with experience.
Daddy’s who write about parenting.
I love it!
Just found your site…
I’m a Dad and I started a company, WiHood, to help children on the internet by providing each child with a virtual PC and filtering their web pages. As a Dad with 15 years of IT experience I thought I could help other families, especially Dads, with their children on the internet and how to get the most out of it.
There are many things for parents to learn about the Internet and time is something we don’t have much of when it comes to our kids.
I hope you and your readers would appreciate the WiHood concept…
Thomas F. Anglero, CEO
We have added you to our blog roll. Please add us. Keep up the great work!