Too Much Work

Thing 3 is the hardest one to wake up. He is not a morning person and prefers to wake up slowly. Getting him up for school during the week is a struggle.

Today we had the usual whining and resistance. Then he added, “I don’t want to go to school.”

He sounded serious. Like maybe something happened the day before. You hear about bullying and think the worst. Although, with Thing 3, he’s more likely to be the one bullying.

I asked him why he didn’t want to go to school.

He was quick to respond. And completely serious.

“Because it’s too much work”

Before you start debating how teachers give too much homework, consider this: He is in Kindergarten! And he was referring to this week’s unit on money (pennies, dimes, etc)

Dance Recital

After years of attending flag football games, Little League, and Tae Kwon Do, we got to experience our first dance recital. Picture a hundred girls ages 2-8 on a high school auditorium stage, with 600 family and friends watching in the audience. Yes, it was chaos. Babies crying in the audience. Girls getting stage fright and crying on stage. SuburbanMommy standing back stage with the rest of the dance moms. Things 1-3 complaining about having to sit still and keep quiet, especially after the sound system broke and they had to repeat two routines. I enjoyed every minute of it. Just wait until you see Thing 4 in her blue costume. She is the one walking in on her toes, dancing all the way to the left.

Living In Another World

Most kids wake up with a lot of energy. They say things like “what are we doing today” or “I want breakfast”.

And then there is Thing 3 who is from another world. The things he says when he wakes up are totally random and unexpected. But you always need to listen close because you just may miss something hilarious. This morning was one of those instances.


Thing 3: I dreamed about a trumpet!

SuburbanDaddy: A trumpet?

Thing 3: Yes. But the solar system wolf keeps stealing my dreams.

SuburbanDaddy: OK. Do you want some breakfast?

Jumping Rope

When you have 4 siblings in your family, everything is a competition. Thing 4 usually gets a pass because she’s the only girl and the baby. But with two older brothers, Thing 3 has it different. He never gets to win anything. But that doesn’t stop him from trying. And when he does best his brothers, especially in something physical, he is thrilled.

Here is a jump rope competition where Thing 3 pulls out a victory.