What I’ll Do For 15 Minutes Of Quiet

I’m home alone with Things 1, 3, and 4. SuburbanMommy took Thing 2 to his flag football game. It’s Saturday morning, the first 80 degree Saturday since last year, and the Things are very restless. Translation: I need 15 minutes of quiet.

Enter the water table. We use it all the time in the summer. It keeps their attention for a long time. But it has been sitting outside all winter and is filthy.

The dilemma: Do I let them play with the water table, which means I need to spend a lot of time cleaning while they are trying to “help”, making the cleaning process take twice as long, and I will need to change all their clothes again when they get each other soaking wet and the session ends in a fight-meltdown because water table always ends in a water fight?

Here is the answer.


New Toothbrushes Motivate Kids To Brush

If you are like me, bedtime is a battle that is waged every night. Go upstairs, put on your pajamas, brush your teeth. It’s like a broken record and nightly negotiation.

Star_Wars_LightupThat’s why I agreed to try these new Sunstar GUM Star Wars toothbrushes. (Disclaimer: I received free product but as always opinions are my own). There were Darth Vader and Clone Captain Rex battery powered, spinning brushes. But the most popular were the Light Saber brushes that glow and blink for a minute while they brush.

Anything that lights up is cool to Thing 3. Something that lights up AND he puts in his mouth? Sold. He opted for the good guy, green colored one. Thing 2 went with the red, Darth Vader light saber.

The results? Thing 2 asked if he could brush his teeth again once he saw the new brush. Thing 3 doesn’t think a minute is long enough and wants to go for two. And he insists on brushing his teeth with the lights off now to see the Star Wars toothbrush glow. How long it’ll last I cant say, but those are sone good results.

Giving Kids The Wrong Idea

Yesterday was Take Your Child To Work Day. The idea behind it is to expose kids to what their parents do at work. Maybe inspire them to discover a career and lifelong passion.

It does no such thing. At least not where I work. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a great event, a day filled with fun activities that kids love because they get to spend the whole day with their parents. And they get to miss a day of school. But the only exposure to real world work is when the kids intrude on the sea of cubicle dwellers while doing the scavenger hunt.

Thing 2: “What are all those people doing just sitting there?”

Me: “They are trying to work.”

Thing 2: “They just sit there all day?”

This video is a sample of what we did all day. They also learned to play Cricket outside, watched a movie, ate ice cream, and made art projects. It was also the first time I brought Thing 3, so the real work was for me, trying to keep him from breaking stuff and wandering away. These kids are in for a big surprise in about 15 years.

The Anti-Football

To say Thing 1 and Thing 2 are into football is an understatement. A huge understatement. They can name the starting quarterback and at least several other players on every single NFL team.

They watch the NFL network at any time, no matter what is on, even in the offseason. They watched the NFL combine which is just prospective players getting measured on how high they can jump and how much they can bench press. The only ones interested are team scouts and coaches. And the 8 and 6 year olds in my house.

Which is what makes Thing 4 so refreshing. She is the anti-football. Much to SuburbanMommy’s delight. Here she is at Thing 2’s football game today. Decked out in pink and about as far from football as she can be.


Where Are The Bad Guys

There was an episode tonight where Thing 1 tried to impose his “rules” on him, so Thing 3 hit him in the face and was promptly sent to his room.

SuburbanMommy [in a stern voice]: There is no hitting in this house.

Thing 3: Then I need to go to a new house.

SuburbanMommy: What kind of house do you need to go to?

Thing 3: A house with bad guys.

Some of the bad guys he means include Darth Vader, and a dragon.

It is impossible to have a serious parent-child discussion with a kid who is constantly making you laugh.


Thinker, Feeler, Wildcard, Princess

Watching four kids develop, it’s interesting to see how, even though all four have the same environment, each develops into something very different. Their unique personalities emerged early on, and stay true even as they get older.

Thing 1 is The Thinker. He is reserved, and carefully considers his alternatives before acting. When you talk to him you can see the wheels turning. He is always thinking two steps ahead. He absolutely devours books and information like sports scores. His NCAA bracket entry is beating 99.6% of all entries on ESPN.com and you get the feeling it’s no accident.

Thing 2 is The Feeler. He is a people person. He loves being around his family and friends. He doesn’t ask where we’re going, but who will be there. He is sensitive and empathetic. When his brother and sister were crying as babies, he was very concerned and jumped to help them. Since his earliest years he has been a hugger, randomly walking up to me and giving a hug.

Thing 3 is without a doubt The Wildcard. You never know what you are going to get. At times he is sweet, sensitive, and follows instructions. At other times he is off doing his own thing, in his own world, running across a busy parking lot in chase of a bird. One minute he’s telling his sister her hair is so pretty, the next he’s grabbing her doll and throwing it down the stairs. He is a constant stream of consciousness, saying whatever pops into his head at the moment. His random questions have been well documented here. I defy you to spend 10 minutes in conversation with him and not break into laughter…that is, if he doesn’t drive you crazy first.

Thing 4 is The Princess. And not just because she is the youngest and only girl, so SuburbanDaddy can’t help but do whatever she asks. She is just such a girly-girl. You would think with 3 older brothers she would be rough and tumble, which she is to some degree. But she is all about pink, and purses, and dancing, and dolls, and pigtails, and we love every minute of it.

It Was Only A Matter Of Time

We all knew this was coming. It was only a matter of time. Frankly, I’m amazed it didn’t happen to me sooner. It will most certainly happen again.

Thing 3 had his first “I’m so sorry my kid said that” moment. Like I said, I can’t believe this was the first. If you’ve spent any time with him you know what I mean.

We were at the mall, in a public restroom. It was a small bathroom for a mall, with just room for two at a time. Thing 3 was finishing up washing his hands and looking for a paper towel to dry them.

The other party was ahead of Thing 3 at the paper towels. The only sounds were of paper crumbling, until, in a voice that was way too loud for the circumstances, which is pretty much the way he talks all the time, Thing 3 exclaimed:

That’s a fat guy!!!


Thing 3 was technically correct. Very correct. And I was thinking this is the last time I take him out in public.