Thing 4 is getting close to crawling.? She is almost 8 months in this video.? Thing 1 likes to point out that he was crawling at 7.5 months, so she’s doing “pretty good for a girl”.? I’m not really sure he said anything like that, but it would have been funny if he had.? Technically speaking backwards is still crawling so I guess she has matched him.? Go Thing 4!
Continue reading Backwards First
Vomit Everywhere
First, Thing 4 was sick with a stomach virus over the weekend. She was home sick from daycare Friday and Monday, and her classroom was like a scene from the Exorcist with so many of the kids throwing up.
Next, following his performance in the school concert, Thing 1 got sick in the backseat of my car. Lovely.
Then, an hour later, Thing 3 threw up in his bed all over Buzz Lightyear.
Laundry. Lysol. More of the same tomorrow I’m afraid.
A Picture Tells A Lot
A simple picture can tell you a lot. With just a little bit of context, this picture gives a lot of information. It was taken last Sunday late in the afternoon when he had just had a bath. Yes, Thing 3 is crying, but it wasn’t because he was hurt.? I can’t remember exactly why.? It was probably because I had given him the “wrong” color towel.
Ok, knowing this, what else can you tell from this picture?? Scroll down to find out.
1. Thing 3 skipped his nap today.
2. He’s going to have an early bedtime tonight.
3. Forget about trying to sit down for dinner tonight.? It’ll be chips and salsa until after 8pm when they are hopefully all in bed.
4. Happy hour starts now for SuburbanDaddy and Mommy
If Only It Were That Easy
This morning we turned the clocks back. Fall back, Spring ahead. An extra hour to sleep in, right? Wrong. Not if you are a baby.
After living through this each of the last 6 years, I can confirm that babies will still wake up at the same time no matter what. In Thing 4’s case, that means we were up at 4:30am today instead of 5:30am. At that hour there are far fewer options on TV other than infomercials.
Is This What We Call Progress?
We just finished putting all 4 kids to bed on a Saturday night. True cause for celebration. I celebrated by doing what I’ve done every night since Halloween – stole a piece of candy from their sizable stash.
Come on, I know you all do the same thing.
Nearly a week after Halloween it’s pretty well picked over and most of the really good stuff is gone. Now it’s filled with these teeny, tiny, bite-sized candies that hardly qualify as candy.
When I was a kid, I remember getting full-sized candy bars for Halloween. Or at least ones that were more than a single bite.
Sure, I know there is a problem with child obesity today and kids eat too much junk food and are getting fat blah blah blah. And I know it’s touch economic times and people need to cut back.
But aren’t some traditions worth keeping?
Babies Cannot Read
There was a segment on the Today show this morning about the Your Baby Can Read DVD “Early Language Child Development” Program. Apparently, there are parents who, after spending hundreds of dollars on the DVD’s, feel cheated and duped because they believe the program to be a scam. After using the system, their babies were not able to read.
Are we to feel sorry for these parents? News fllash: babies can’t read! I worry about how well these kids will fare in life having such gullible parents. I can just imagine when the kids are in high school…
Kid: “Mom, I need $100 for a school math project”
Parent: “Ok, sure”
Kid: “Dad, I need you to buy me some beer to conduct a science experiment for school”
Parent: “Ok, sure. Do you need any hard stuff?”
Just how many gullible parents are out there who think a DVD can change the course of human development and teach babies to read? Well, if this is any indication, the Your Baby Can Read Facebook Page has over 11,000 fans!
I have an idea. How about a DVD that teaches parents how to not spend money on worthless crap that claims will make your kid smarter? You can have it for only $14.99.
In Honor of Monday Morning
A couple of classics to sum up the mood on Monday morning.? Especially on the Monday morning after Halloween.
Get Ready For Trouble
Crawling is an exciting milestone and Thing 4 is getting close. These pictures show how close.
But these pictures also hint at trouble on the way. Sure, crawling means she will start getting into stuff around the house so we need to watch her at all times. But the trouble that’s coming isn’t for me. We’ve got the baby proofing pretty well down by now.
No, the trouble that is coming is for Thing 3. His world is about to get turned upside down. Until now, he has been the one getting into his brothers’ stuff. And as the youngest he generally gets his way.? That’s about to change.
Do you see in the pictures what is motivating Thing 4 to crawl?? She is trying to get one of Thing 3’s toys.? Until now he didn’t care much what she was doing. ? But as soon as she takes one of his toys he will NOT be happy. And that will be Trouble with a capital T.? Thing 4 is going to be one tough little girl.