The test of wills with Thing 1 continues. The latest battles have been over something you probably won’t hear talked about at a presidential debate. It’s the age old debate of Sweatpants vs. Jeans. Thing 1 insists on wearing sweatpants. Every day. He was fine with jeans for, oh, three and a half years. But I guess there comes a point in every preschooler’s life, when he must take a stand and choose a side. Thing 1 chooses sweatpants.
I know, pick your battles. And I really don’t care if he wears sweatpants every day. Except I’d rather not have to do laundry every 3 days when there are so many clean pairs of jeans he can wear.
So, we get what happened this morning. Thing 1 was in a great mood and eager to go off to school, until he saw the clothes I brought down for him. M – E – L – T – D – O – W – N.
I held my ground and sent him to the basement until he could calm down. Before you turn me into child protective services for locking my kid in the basement, realize that our basement is fully finished and a virtual paradise for kids, with endless toys, games, books, and art supplies. The only reason it is a punishment to be there is because I made him go.
In true Thing 1 fashion, he stayed downstairs without much fight. That’s because he was plotting his next move. Then we heard the crash of toys.

The battle resumes tonight when he finds out no dessert unless he cleans up the toys. I already know where that will take us, but sometimes a daddy needs to take a stand and choose a side. I’ll let you know how it turns out.
I feel your frustration. My 2 year old boy has just begun the ultimate struggle for independence and autonomy. I have a feeling I am in for a long ride!
we as parents must unite and banish all our craphead kids to the basement. so i raise my sword–“onward!”
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I truly understand your situation here. I have a toddler who also likes to get his own way. A test of willpower happens in my home everyday!
My three year old has a fight with me daily. I bet he would do hourly if I let him.. ;)
Sweatpants for your son, dresses for my daughter. If it is not a dress or THE dress, well you know what happens next.
Great thing is, she will be excited to get the Gymboree cotton dresses that she LOVES for Christmas. And that is what she is getting.
Gotta love them toddler stand offs. Our current one is bedtimes, and the methodical use of every excuse in the book to delay them. Or when finally put to bed, finding an excuse to get back up.
This evening our toddler Little Miss came out ‘just to say I love you sooooooo much!!’ – which sounds adorable until you realised that your child is just trying to play you for a sucker by pulling your strings (still nice to hear though!)