The aliens returned two, but still have one.
At dinner tonight, Thing 1 ate all his fruit and vegetables. No bargaining, no pleading, no bribery. Then he had a bath, and asked to go to bed. At 7pm. No bargaining, no pleading, no bribery.
Usually, Thing 1 insists he go to bed after his two younger brothers because he is the biggest. Not tonight.
I like the alien Thing 1 that’s been with us for almost a week. He listens, helps, and cleans up. He plays nicely with his brother. But I know what the aliens are dealing with up there. This and this and this. It’s only a matter of time before Alien Daddy sends him back. Oh well, I’ll enjoy it while it lasts.

It’s amazing when they actually do what they’re supposed to huh? Almost scary! Glad you’re not having to have uphill battles for the moment…the aliens will return them soon enough…enjoy it while it lasts!