We slowed down some today and built in sibling separation time so we didn’t have a repeat of yesterday. And since we also needed to get some household chores done in the morning, Thing 1 got to help me fold four loads of laundry, while Thing 2 was SuburbanMommy’s assistant at the grocery store.
Believe it or not, they actually like doing stuff like this. It isn’t often our kids get one on one time with mommy or daddy so it’s fun for them no matter what we’re doing. At least for a short period of time. Plus, SuburbanDaddy watches SportsCenter when he folds laundry so we had plenty of time to discuss the upcoming football season.
The day wasn’t all chores. We went ice skating together, the first time SuburbanMommy or I had been on ice skates in probably 20+ years.? Happily no mishaps to report other than feeling quite old as hoards of tiny kids out maneuvered me.? Then out to lunch, a stop at a toy store, and more split separation time. This time, I did a puzzle and colored with Thing 2 while SuburbanMommy did a project with Thing 1.

Sibling separation time: I love the sound of that!
Few things warm my parental heart than watching our munchkins start doing things we’ve done all our lives. Reading the paper is definitely one of those activities, and I rather enjoy having them sidle up to the kitchen table for their favorite section.
Something tells me reading the paper on an iPad just won’t be the same.